Hello, I am Jazmine.

I moved around all my life but mainly grew up in Newark, NJ. Seeing different places all my life is one thing that inspired me to get into photography. Many of those places I lived in, I won't see again, so capturing them is one way to keep those memories alive.

I enjoy taking pictures of my animals. I remember being about 6 or 7 years old and taking my mom's blackberry to pose and capture my cat on furniture. My cat, Precious, would hold the pose too as I took pictures. Ever since then, I have been capturing these moments. The first camera gifted to me was a Canon PowerShot that I still have today. I am capturing the moments in my life to document my journey as I continue to visit new places.

"What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce"

—Karl Lagerfeld